30 May 2020
MicroShield® Pro and MicroShield® LT

Grove Software is proud to announce that it has recently released two different versions of the MicroShield® software:  MicroShield® Pro and MicroShield® LT.  Both versions of MicroShield® included the world-renowned photon/gamma ray shielding and dose assessment program that is widely used around the world.  MicroShield® Pro and MicroShield® LT are useful to health physicists, engineers, scientists and technicians and only requires a basic knowledge of radiation and shielding principles.  

MicroShield® is fully interactive and utilizes extensive input error checking. MicroShield® Pro provides the full features of the MicroShield® software along with the various source, decay, and other dose assessment tools.  MicroShield® LT provides the fundamental 3D solution algorithm along with the basic features.  MicroShield® Pro integrated tools provide graphing of results, material and source file creation, source inference with decay (dose-to-Ci calculations accounting for decay and daughter buildup), projection of dose rates versus time as a result of decay, access to material and nuclear data, and decay heat calculations.

 The MicroShield® features comparison:


MicroShield® LT

MicroShield® Pro

Full Microsoft Windows® 10 compatibility

Support for international numerical formats

3D MicroShield® solution engine

16 different geometries

Inputs in SI and Imperial units

Custom materials with up to 30 constituents

Includes over 60 custom materials based on NIST, ANSI/ANS-6.4.2-2006, etc.

ICRP 38 & 107 nuclide source terms

Source term decay with daughter products generated

Multiple dose results based on ICRP 51, 71 & 116 DCFs

Batch Tool

Export results to Microsoft® Word and Excel

Sensitivity Tool

Multi-layer buildup factors for select geometries


Buildup factor sensitivity for select geometries


External Source Tool


Source Inference Tool


Exposure Rate Tool


Decay Heat Tool


Material and Nuclear Data Viewer


Site licenses available


Silent installation and SCCM support


For more information or to purchase either of these MicroShield® applications, please contact us at

sales@radiationsoftware.com or visit our website at https://radiationsoftware.com/ .