MicroShield® Pro and MicroShield® LT


mshield-thumb1MicroShield® is a comprehensive photon/gamma ray shielding and dose assessment program that is widely used for designing shields, estimating source strength from radiation measurements, minimizing exposure to people, and teaching shielding principles.

MicroShield® is useful to health physicists, waste managers, design engineers, and radiological engineers and only requires a basic knowledge of radiation and shielding principles.

MicroShield® is fully interactive and utilizes extensive input error checking. Integrated tools provide graphing of results, material and source file creation, source inference with decay (dose-to-Ci calculations accounting for decay and daughter buildup), projection of exposure rate versus time as a result of decay, access to material and nuclide data, and decay heat calculations.

MicroShield® is now available in two different versions:  MicroShield® Pro and MicroShield® LT.  MicroShield® Pro provides the full features of the MicroShield® software along with the various source, decay, and other dose assessment tools.  MicroShield® LT provides the fundamental 3D solution algorithm along with the basic features.

MicroShield® Features Comparison:


MicroShield® LT

MicroShield® Pro

Full Microsoft Windows® 11 compatibility

Support for international numerical formats

3D MicroShield® solution engine

16 different geometries

Inputs in SI and Imperial units

Custom materials with up to 30 constituents

Includes over 60 custom materials based on NIST, ANSI/ANS-6.4.2-2006, etc.

ICRP 38 & 107 nuclide source terms

Source term decay with daughter products generated

Multiple dose results based on ICRP 51, 71 & 116 DCFs

Batch Tool

Export results to Microsoft® Word and Excel

Sensitivity Tool

Multi-layer buildup factors for select geometries


Buildup factor sensitivity for select geometries


External Source Tool


Source Inference Tool


Exposure Rate Tool


Decay Heat Tool


Material and Nuclear Data Viewer


Site licenses available


Silent installation and SCCM support



MicroShield® General Features Include:

  1. Sixteen geometries that accommodate offset dose points and as many as ten standard shields plus source self-shielding and cylinder cladding.
  2. The geometry display for entry is re-scaled as dimensions are entered. Dimensional data are accepted in meters, centimeters, feet, or inches.
  3. Updated Library data (radionuclides, attenuation, buildup, and dose conversion) reflect standard data from ICRP 38 and 107 as well as ANSI/ANS standards and RSICC publications
  4. Dose conversion factors include ICRP Publication 116 absorbed dose rates and dose conversion factors from ANSI/ANS-6.1.1-1977.
  5. Includes a wide variety of custom materials based on NIST, ANSI/ANS-6.4.2-2006, etc.
  6. Buildup and uncollided results are both automatically and simultaneously calculated.
  7. Provides the ability to design and save up to eight custom materials for any case to add to the twelve built-in materials.
  8. Sources may be created and saved and moved among cases, either as nuclides or energies, and as concentrations or totals. Several photon grouping methods are provided including custom (user defined).
  9. Source decay can be calculated with daughter products generated.
  10. As many as twenty-five energy groups (with an energy range of 15 keV to 10 MeV) may be used; input may be concentration or totals.
  11. Sensitivity of exposure rate to time, source dimension, shield thickness, or distance can be investigated. Integration conversion verification can be conducted with sensitivity to quadrature order.
  12. Decay heat/energy can be calculated (Pro version).
  13. Ability to utilize international numerical formats (decimal commas, etc.).

Geometry – Source Configurations Include: 

MicroShield® v13 Latest Features:

MicroShield® v13 includes


Download the MicroShield® Product Description: MicroShield Description (PDF).

Download the MicroShield® Pro and MicroShield® LT comparison: MicroShield Comparison (PDF).